The NEC is thrilled to welcome Duane Stutzman, Buckeye Equestrian Events and the 2023 Gypsy Vanner Congress to Lake St. Louis, MO.
Come witness this triple-judged (double points) National Futurity and Championship Show for the Gypsy Vanner Horse Breed on September 1-3, 2023.
The Gypsy Vanner breed was first envisioned by the Gypsies of Great Britain. Selectively bred for over half a century, these “people-sized” draft horses are perfect wagon and cart pullers. The first of the breed arrived in North America as late as 1996, and at that time, had no identifying breed name. “Gypsy Vanner Horse” was selected soon thereafter as the perfect name for these mighty ponies in light of their work pulling cara”van” Gypsy wagons. These “Vanners” are as colorful as the caravans they once moved but are not considered a color-breed. Rather, coming from other breeds such as the Shire, the Clydesdale, and the native British Dale, Vanners are known for their body type – heavy boned, broad bodied but standing merely 14-15 hands at the withers.
Today, this breed is now being used in all disciplines including driving, Dressage, Hunting, Jumping, Western Pleasure, Trail and Equine Therapy.