Mid Rivers Saddle Club is a St Louis Area Riding Club dedicated to promoting education, enjoyment, and sportsmanship through competitive events for horses and their owners. By mission, they provide an economical competition environment for members of all abilities and skill levels and, in this context, create a training ground for youth, beginner and adult riders striving to improve their skills in multiple events. This club is especially keen to promote youth activities for young horsemen and horsewomen through the MRSC Youth Club which encourages sportsmanship, horsemanship and high moral character among its junior members.
MRSC also supports TREEhouse of Greater St. Louis, an equine assisted therapy programs for individuals with disabilities by offering specialty classes at MRSC shows, donating direct financial support and organizing other fundraising events.
NEC welcomes Mid Rivers Saddle Club annually as they host a five-show series over the course of the year. Join us for this show weekend and all the MRSC planned weekends in 2023!